This was a current event (June, 2015) that broke into Uncle Biz & Junior’s storyline…
This was a current event (June, 2015) that broke into Uncle Biz & Junior’s storyline…
This strip was a current event digression at the time, (June, 2015) but it warranted breaking the continuity of the Uncle Biz & Junior storyline.
Everyone thinks of me as “The Color Guy,” but I also draw. And, surprise, surprise, I love Black & White. Over the years I’veĀ done a lot of local T-shirt designs. For the last 10 years I’ve done the designs for John & Tracy DuPont’s “Blues on the Coast” shirts here in Point Arena. Every Read More …
While In New York City, Uncle Biz has a weird dream…
Uncle Biz introduces Junior to, shall we say, a “colorful” character…
Uncle Biz decides Junior needs to see the Big Apple…
Uncle Biz is forced to take drastic measures…
One of the books I colored for Marvel near the end of the color guide era was Warlock. He was the alien member of the New Mutants. This series was written by Weezie Simonson, and drawn by Pascual Ferry, and inked by Don Hillsman & Mark Morales. It was beautiful. I loved coloring that series. Read More …
Junior begins to exercise his powers…
Two of the guys I met at my first San Diego Comic-Con were Gary Winnick & Frank Cirocco. (In the lobby of the El Cortez Hotel, along with Brent Anderson & Tony Salmons…) They were a pair of South Bay (South of San Francisco, that is…) artists who produced a really cool fanzine called Venture. Read More …