Everyone thinks of me as “The Color Guy,” but I also draw. And, surprise, surprise, I love Black & White. Over the years I’ve done a lot of local T-shirt designs. For the last 10 years I’ve done the designs for John & Tracy DuPont’s “Blues on the Coast” shirts here in Point Arena. Every year John & Tracy underwrite a series of 5 blues shows at the Arena Theater. (One of the unsung treasures of the Mendocino Coast.) If you buy a season subscription for $100, you get a T-shirt. I get in free for doing the shirt designs. They bring in acts from all over the world. Last night I got to see Vanessa Collier, who tore the place up.
She inspired me to post these shirt designs.

This was the second year. The Blues guys are walking past the Gillmore house.

This was the third shirt in the series, and has been the most popular. It features “Al,” the albatross, who used to come here annually, and the Point Arena Lighthouse. The whole design is in the old highway shield, famous from Route 66, and HWY 101.

Big Mike (Bonedaddy), with John & the other Mike in the background. Mike used a variation of this image on his line of products.

One of my favorites of the series.

A little different take that year.

This is the Armature tree. (An actual tree on my next door neighbor’s property.) Armature seems to show up in nature a lot. And that’s Redgy, howling at the moon, with his cat buddy, Tuxedo, looking on.

My tribute to R. Crumb.

This is Sue Gillmore, a woman who took tickets at the theater for years. She recently passed away. The harmonica player is Kenny Neal, one of the acts that year.

This was last year’s design.

This is the latest design. It hasn’t made it on to shirts yet, so this is its first official appearance.

The brand new 2019 shirt, which finally catches me up.
So, with these last two designs finally done, you have all but the first shirt, which I couldn’t find a digital file for.